The Blog

Brown prof derides UC’s ‘cold, Darwinian’ rejection of safe spaces

LGBT group releases ‘shame list’ of religious colleges

Clemson University kicks man off campus for praying outside ‘free speech zone’

Twitter is censoring Turkish accounts for RTs and likes

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Defends Religious Freedom and the First Amendment

ACLU Using Religious Freedom Act It Opposed to Defend Muslim Prisoner

Judge: Jumping Over White House Fence Not Free Speech

Social justice warriors attack Univ. of Chicago over free speech letter

Where free speech is allowed on campus

College presidents endorse safe spaces following UC letter

Cal Poly expands gender-inclusive housing to satisfy student activists

LISTEN: Why It’s Okay for the President to Say, ‘So Help Me God’

Texas attorney general affirms constitutionality of courtroom prayer

Pew survey: A quarter of Americans have no religious affiliation

Some Kentucky restrictions on judicial-campaign speech violate First Amendment, 6th Circuit says

Letter: Clinton an enemy of First Amendment’s religious liberty

With Wyoming Judge’s Case, Left Aims To Ban Religious People From Legal Field

China censorship: How a moderate magazine was targeted

Activists send letter to Mark Zuckerberg asking for transparency in handling of Korryn Gaines case

UW-Milwaukee Posters Warn Students Not to Say ‘Politically Correct’, Or Use Words Like ‘Lame’, ‘Crazy’ and ‘Trash’

Joyce asked to block campaign finance ballot proposal

Missouri measure to cap campaign donations under scrutiny

From a Course on Miley Cyrus to ‘Identity-Based Housing,’ Examples of Lunacy on College Campuses

University of Chicago to Incoming Freshmen: Don’t Expect ‘Safe Spaces’ Here

Canadian government fines comedian $42K for telling a joke that offended people

Opinion: Your First Amendment rights don’t trump the NYPD’s duty to protect the public

Court: Philly’s ban on airport advocacy ads violates First Amendment

Atheist org demands Air Force major be ‘aggressively punished’ for keeping Bible on desk

Opinion: Colorado’s campaign-finance bullies threaten free speech

Commentary: The Supreme Court must return religious liberty to military members