The Blog

Resistance Isn’t Futile: Christians Claim Temporary Religious Liberty Win in California

Koch network fights ballot measure that would force donors to disclose their information

Strip Club Claims Atlantic City Violated Free Speech Rights

Whistle-Blowing City Manager Sees Free Speech Claims Revived

ACLU-TN settles free speech lawsuit against Giles County schools

School District: Don’t Call the Children ‘Boys & Girls’

Comedian Ellen DeGeneres accused of racism over a joke

New Illinois law gives student journalists first amendment protections

Air force base launches commander investigation into religious display

ISIS Retweet Arrest Raises Free Speech Issues

Do police officers enjoy same level of free speech as civilians?

Texas Judge Victorious Over Atheist Group in Prayer Dispute

Opinion: First Amendment under threat in Orange County

Union moves to limit First Amendment rights of teachers

N.J. woman settles lawsuit to display ‘8THEIST’ license plate

Commentary: Connecticut Democrats’ War on Free Speech

Another all-female college to consider admitting trans-women

California walks back attempted assault on faith-based colleges

Atheists win damages in complaint over sheriff’s religious posts

OUTRAGEOUS: Calif. “Planned Parenthood” bill aims to punish media for undercover journalism

Poll: Few pastors using pulpit to talk about religious liberty, abortion

Daily Signal: Here’s what conservatives did to pull off religious-liberty victory in Calif.

National Review: Conn. liberals’ war on free speech

WSJ: Senators sponsored, voted for constitutional amendment that’d enable Congress to regulate, criminalize speech

Eric Metaxas: Hillary Clinton’s career goal is to work against traditional Christians

Conservative Review: Muslim-flight-attendant controversy reveals the Left’s ignorance of religious liberty

Fox News: Former Marine punished for Bible verse on desk loses appeal

ICYMI: What lawmakers can do to protect pro-life medical professionals

Daily Signal: Football coach sues to get job back after being fired for praying

Eric Metaxas: Is Hillary an ‘enemy’ of religious liberty?