The Blog

Prelates say House bill would protect religious freedom at federal level

Israel Uses Facebook to Fight Terrorist Violence, But Free Speech Groups Say It Goes Too Far

‘Back to the Soviet Era’: Putin’s New Law Could Lead to Religious Crackdown

NC State settles free speech lawsuit, changes policy

A Free-Speech Divide

Clinton to propose constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United

Fla. couple suing their county for banning signs on couple’s privately owned beachfront

College Fix: Atheist group tells schools not to schedule trips to Noah’s Ark amusement park

The Hill: Obama has ‘thoroughly undermined freedom of speech and of the press’

The Washington Times: Threats against cops crime or free speech?

Event: Why free speech matters and how to preserve it

NC State Christian group wins lawsuit, can speak sans permit to students

Mississippi judge issues preliminary injunction against new religious-liberty law

National Review: The secular religion of the identity-politics left

Religious freedom among concerns for Montana Pastors Network

Student newspaper drops First Amendment lawsuit against university for retaliatory funding cut

Movie Ratings Are Not Protected by First Amendment, Court Told

How Bollywood is fighting ‘irrational’ censorship in India

Redskins urge Supreme Court to protect team’s free speech rights alongside ‘Slants’

Feds Try to Illegally Regulate State Education Standards

Documentary blames Brown for hostility to speech on campus

Utah agrees not to enforce campaign finance law forcing nonprofit donors to disclose personal information

Religious Freedom in the Military Under Increased Assault, Advocates Say

Ex-Atlanta Fire Chief Removed for Faith: Gov’t the Biggest Threat to Religious Freedom

Journalists, press freedom worldwide in more danger than ever

‘No American Should Be Forced to Participate in Abortion,’ Says Pastor Following Pro-Life Vote

House Conservatives Explain Latest IRS Chief Impeachment Push: ‘Leadership Has Been Too Timid to Go After Corruption’

LGBT group joins opposition to Harvard single-gender club ban

Univ. of Houston president: Free expression trumps political correctness

Why the Nation Needs the Conscience Protection Act