The Blog

UMass Amherst ramps up diversity requirements in wake of Trigglypuff

House passes bill to ban IRS from collecting donor information

Myanmar censors ban movie at human rights film festival

Federal Judge Halts Free-Speech ‘Permits’ for Christian Club at NC State University

Kochs invoke free speech in backing IRS donor bill

Opinion: Roskam IRS Free Speech Bill Will Stop The Next Lois Lerner

Between Free Speech and an Inclusive Campus

One charge dropped against undercover journalist who did Planned Parenthood videos

House to move ahead with censure of IRS chief

3 People Behind the Effort to Remove Judge for Her Views on Marriage

Tenured conservative professor retires due to liberal persecution

Politically-Correct Transgender Pronoun Mandates Violate First Amendment

AEI Panel: Marxists outnumber conservatives in social sciences

Racial, ‘food justice’ cooked up at summit

Opinion: Andrew Cuomo’s Anti-Free Speech Move on B.D.S.

Opinion: Gawker Is Bankrupt, And Now Liberals Are Pretending To Care About Free Speech

Letter: Iowa governor’s proclamation favoring Christianity is ‘blatantly unconstitutional’

Wikipedia Warns Against French Attempt to Extend EU Privacy Law Globally

Opinion: The Pro-Life Response to Campus Censorship

‘Gender Identity’: A Complex Battleground for Religious Freedom

Opinion: ‘Freedom of Worship’ Isn’t Enough

Kirsten Powers: Tech giants join speech police

Commentary: Teachers need free speech protection, too

Cuomo’s Executive Order Against Anti-Israeli Movement Worries Free Speech Advocates

US court reconsiders anti-Muslim film on YouTube

Opinion: Why we all should care about the erosion of free speech

At Oxford, Elder Oaks says religion’s value evident in refugee crisis

Freedom of the Press awards honor journalists

Flying Dog’s court victory to pay dividends for free speech

UC free speech pledge challenged by protest organizer