The Blog

President Obama: College kids should ‘listen, engage’ instead of shutting down ‘offensive’ viewpoints

Why Regulations Are Fueling Corporate Activism in America

Oregon State University to Force All Students to Take ‘Social Justice Training’

School Cancels Father-Daughter Dance Over Complaints It Wasn’t ‘Inclusive’

51 Families Sue Over Illinois High School’s Transgender Bathroom Policy

Report: Religious freedom deteriorating around the world

Bible bill vetoes defend states’ religious freedom

Free speech advocate smells the wolf of censorship in City of Nanaimo letter

Texas mayor who supported ‘Jesus welcomes you to Hawkins’ sign faces election contender

Harvard Law School student’s ‘offensive’ comment incites free speech debate

‘The Closing of the Liberal Mind’ book addresses speech codes, censorship at schools

Freedom from religion group sues House for barring atheist

A speech code for lawyers, banning viewpoints that express ‘bias,’ including in law-related social activities?

Colleges draw criticism for free speech limitations

Blinn College loses free speech battle over evicting pro-gun student

Reason Foundation Included in Climate-Change Dragnet Subpoena to ExxonMobil

NC State Univ. requires permits for Christian student group to be able to talk about faith

Conservative professor sues Marquette for suspending him over blog post on gay marriage debate

SIU administrators succumb to student demands, issue new ‘diversity plan’

Monifa Sterling case: Court must protect, not punish, religious freedom in the Armed Forces

Snapchat: Voting booth selfies are protected free speech

UN expert warns combat against violent extremism could be used as ‘excuse’ to curb free speech

Feds pushed administrative punishment for leakers

Cornell College free speech battle reaches a breaking point

SDSU president has car blocked after supporting free expression

Obama White House using reporters to target vulnerable GOP senators

Facebook Blacklists Trending Topics And Conservative News Outlets

Bloomberg booed after decrying safe spaces as ‘dangerous’

Jason Riley Is the Latest Conservative to Be Disinvited from a College Campus

LGBT Activists and the Education Department Are Colluding against Christian Colleges