The Blog

Fox News commentator Guy Benson: The Assault on Free Speech Marches On

Colorado Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Christian Baker’s Appeal on Gay Wedding Cakes

UMass Amherst students throw temper tantrum at free speech event

Ukraine takes away political talk show host’s work permit

SCOTUS rules in favor of New Jersey cop in First Amendment case

Sec. Kerry: Understanding the role of religion is vital for foreign policy

Justice wants attack ad with traffic stop video pulled

Supreme Court strengthens free-speech rights of public employees

Security Guards Ban Kids From Singing The National Anthem At 9/11 Memorial

UW Madison students deface Lincoln statue with list of demands

Unofficial college guide claims ‘hatred of white people’ is ‘legitimate response to oppression’

Oregon bakers challenge “gag order” as they continue legal battle

Baker denied religious freedom hearing by Colorado Supreme Court

16 ‘Pro-LGBT’ Businesses That Operate in Countries With Poor Human Rights Records

Artist Paints Over Campus Mural of Gun Shooting Out Flowers Because One Student Found It ‘Triggering’

Are video games in danger of censorship from Trump, Sanders or Clinton?

Minnesota parents sue to get transgender curriculum in kindergarten classroom

Social justice warrior complains about muzzling of dissenting opinions

With writers and editors being murdered, free speech is at risk in Bangladesh

Utah theater that showed ‘Deadpool’ might get fined over liquor law

Opinion: Upholding Free Speech Begins At Home

Conservative nonprofit wins abuse of power lawsuit against California AG

Tennessee congressional candidate on a mission to defend religious liberty

Opinion: A modern censorship

Coastal Carolina students demand to hear opposing side after BLM leader speaks on campus

Religious Liberty Bill Inches Forward in House After 10 Months

Commentary: Jefferson believed in free exercise of religion

College Official Tells Journalist She’s Calling Cops on Film Crew During Student Protest Against Conservative Speaker

Santa Clara atheist sues city over Christian cross at public park

New voices fight to restore student free speech