The Blog

Scripps profs. ‘outraged’ that Madeleine Albright selected as commencement speaker

Wisconsin professor’s op-ed suggests that climate change ‘deniers’ don’t deserve free speech protection

Opinion: It’s been a tough year to defend freedom of speech

Protecting consumer free speech from harmful lawsuits

Arizona Senate passes free speech protections on college campuses

Commentary: Silencing climate change ‘dissenters’ is breaking the law

Ohio University Wants to Impose Cultural Sensitivity Training After Students Wrote ‘Trump 2016’ on Free Speech Wall

The top 10 books Americans tried to ban in 2015

Student in pro-Trump hat sets off taunting, dialogue at South Portland High

GMU faculty: naming law school after Scalia is an injustice to female, LGBT students

Disney threatens Georgia over religious freedom bill

Liberals’ Double Standard on Bathrooms, Boycotts, and Religious Freedom

16 Democrat AGs Begin Inquisition Against ‘Climate Change Disbelievers’

Holy Bible on list of ‘challenged’ books at libraries

Opinion: Christians should ‘get a place at the table’ to help protect religious freedom

Trump chalking strikes again at Michigan

Erick Erickson Talks Religious Liberty Fights: ‘The Left Has Overreached’

Conservative student can sue over free speech rights, court rules

Conservative author Ben Shapiro talks free speech, microaggression

New Voices Fight to Restore Student Free Speech

Florida middle school teacher makes students fill out ‘privilege form’

Comedy, College, and the Fight to Save Free Speech: Can We Take a Joke?

Climate change ‘deniers’ are under fire

Federal government awards UM $500,000 to research microaggressions

Poll: Students support free speech, as long as you don’t intend to offend anyone

LGBT rights vs religious freedom battles in the South give GOP candidates a difficult choice

Opinion: Mark Zuckerberg will get nowhere with China’s censors

Facebook In Dispute With Pro-Kurdish Activists Over Deleted Posts

Opinion: Beware of a Supreme Court ‘Solution’ for the Little Sisters

Gap Apologizes for Ad Called ‘Racist’ Because It Features a White Girl Leaning on a Black Girl