The Blog

A history of Facebook’s push to break through China’s censorship barrier

Opinion: Gagging negative reviews online impedes commerce and free speech

Columbia Journalism Review: Is online misogyny a threat to free speech?

Google shows you the campaign finance money

Ex-Connecticut Governor Rowland to appeal campaign finance conviction

Georgia Legislature passes watered-down religious freedom bill

Resetting digital lines of free speech

Opinion: Why The Left Is On A Never-Ending Witch Hunt

Kansas passes religious liberty bill, LGBT activists immediately claim discrimination

Russian bill would bar speech that injures the ‘honor and dignity’ of the Russian president

Student op-ed calls St. Patrick’s Day ‘cultural appropriation’

Opinion: Code is free speech

Free Speech Bill Withdrawn After Islamic State Comments

Big Win For Free Speech Online In Backpage Lawsuit

Tennessee lawmaker says terrorist organizations should be allowed to recruit under First Amendment

Opinion: Liberals Are the True Censors

Impeachment threats for student government over ‘tequila party’ dropped at Bowdoin College

FIRE president: odd ‘trigger warnings’ not a new phenomenon

Georgia senator defends religious freedom bill

First Amendment: Beyond left vs. right, Madison’s vision of religious freedom

Trump, protests and the First Amendment

Change needed to end suppression of information

Opinion: The campus struggle for free speech

Montana Supreme Court to decide quickly on campaign finance appeal

Sumo Wrestling Fat Suit Declared ‘White Supremacist Racism’ at UC–Davis

Are First Amendment rights threatened by violence at Trump rallies?

New Orleans student gov. leader says ‘right-handed people’ need to check their privilege

REPORT: America’s college campuses a hotbed of anti-Semitism

‘Triggered’ UCI students demand senator resign over joke

Ron Paul: Loretta Lynch and the Government War on Free Speech