The Blog

On Minnesota campuses, free speech rights up for debate

Free-Speech Advocates Are Not Trying to Silence Students

Is the Supreme Court Going to Argue that Nuns Misunderstand Their Religion?

10 student senators face potential impeachment after voting against diversity bill

Providence College protesters unhappy with huge diversity efforts, demand more

CPAC panelist: Tolerance is key to preserving religious freedom

India’s Refusal to Admit U.S. Religious Freedom Watchdog Seen As Attempt to Hide ‘Crimes’ Against Religious Minorities

Democrats in Missouri legislature filibuster religious freedom bill

Oberlin College professor ignites free speech vs. hate speech debate

How much free speech should be allowed on public buses?

Washington florist readies for hearing at state supreme court

Caitlyn Jenner faces liberal backlash for praising conservative Sen. Ted Cruz

Students threatened with disciplinary action after ‘act of ethnic stereotyping’

Yale students agree their campus restricts free speech

Congressional Dems dismiss concerns about censorship on campus

Opinion: Hate speech lawsuit against comedian is about free speech in the West

Turkey’s biggest newspaper seized by authorities, turned into pro-government publication

Washington Supreme Court agrees to hear case of Christian florist who was slapped with anti-discrimination suit

Conservative Gay Marriage Advocates Urge Tolerance for Religious Objectors

Sen. James Lankford: Young Americans Are ‘Afraid of Faith’

Editorial: Trump is wrong when he says the IRS rule infringes on pastors’ free speech rights

India denies visa request from US group that monitors religious freedom

Get in the zone: University policy regulates free speech on campus

Gov. Deal says ‘religious freedom’ bill not needed in Georgia

Gov. John Kasich takes a weak stance on religious liberty

The growing list of colleges that infringe on students’ free speech

State governors are caving to pressure from LGBT groups instead of protecting kids

Opinion: A vote for Trump means risking your First Amendment rights

Editorial: Virginia’s slippery slope toward censorship in schools

Survey: U.S. support for satirizing religion breaks along racial lines