The Blog

Opinion: Twitter ‘Safe Space’ Policy Will Censor Christian Conservatives

Former ACLU president blames liberal faculties for erosion of free speech on campuses

Georgia Senate passes religious freedom bill

Opinion: If The FBI Can Make Apple Open Syed Farook’s iPhone, It Can Do Anything

Study: Student Support for Censorship Reaches All-Time High

Williams College cancels a speaker who was invited to bring in provocative opinions

Utah Valley Ministerial Association changes name to be inclusive

Opinion: However Clumsily, Apple Is Affirming a Constitutional Principle

BLM visits Mizzou, says supporting Constitution is white supremacist

Auburn tells students they need a permit for free speech

Hundreds of Kansans Rally for Religious Freedom

Opinion: ACLU’s top priorities should always include free speech

Opinion: If The FBI Can Make Apple Open Syed Farook’s iPhone, It Can Do Anything

UC San Diego among worst schools for free speech

Opinion: Limiting free speech about refugees in Scotland

Free Speech in China Gets an Unlikely State-Media Backer

Caitlyn Jenner: I’ve gotten ‘more flak’ for being Republican than for being transgender

Apple likely to invoke free-speech rights in encryption fight

Report: Apple Hires Prominent Free-Speech Lawyers Over Encryption Fight

Use of Army bomb disposal expert’s life story in ‘The Hurt Locker’ protected by the First Amendment

Ten colleges with free speech problems

Univ. of Iowa puts ‘trigger warning’ on campus crime alert

Georgetown profs. accuse Scalia of ‘bullying,’ ‘bigotry’ in campus-wide email

College campuses too politically correct even for the FCC

13-hour Providence College sit-in ends with president signing list of demands

FIRE ranks the 10 worst schools for free speech

ACLU Settles Manteca Free Speech Case

The 10 Worst Colleges for Free Speech: 2016

33 schools ignore Congressional request to change restrictive speech codes

State Dept. turns its back on Middle East Christians