The Blog

Free Speech Laws Mushroom in Wake of Campus Protests

Rage has free speech under siege on the American campus

Free Speech Is Dying in Britain. Here’s Why the US Has Kept It.

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Leftist protester at Sean Spicer event tries to ‘shut it down.’ Police shut him down instead.

Religious freedom: Not just nice to have, but vital for national security

Liberals haunted by social media tactics they use against the right

Rachel Maddow sued for $10 million by One America News in defamation case

Conservative Network Sues Rachel Maddow, MSNBC For Defamation

10 Most Censored Countries

Four Republican Senators Write to Facebook over ‘Censorship’ of Pro-Life Content

NRA Sues San Francisco After City Declares It a Terror Group

Lawsuit Argues That San Francisco’s Anti-NRA Resolution Violates the First Amendment

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Public univ. official confronts ‘trespassing’ conservatives

University of Texas eliminates free speech zones…and leftist students are not happy

The Rise of the Comfort College

A win for religious liberty: Federal court orders public school must stop discriminating against Mexican Catholics

The Courts Might Help Christians, But They Cannot Save Our Civilization

UCLA prof: ‘I don’t see the Second Amendment as absolute, just like I don’t see the First Amendment as absolute’

Religious Liberty, Freedom of Speech, and the Right to Not Make Videos

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: UW official tells conservative student with ‘free speech ball’ to move or face the cops

Free Speech Should Not Be A Partisan Issue

Language guide at CSU sparks ‘free speech’ debate in some circles

Coddling college campuses and a crippled culture

What If Americans Wanted Freedom As Much As Hong Kongers Do?

Ruling in Minnesota Wedding Videographers’ Case Properly Prioritizes First Amendment Rights

OPINION: Free speech on campus is in danger, and the problem starts at the top

Ted Cruz praises Whoopi Goldberg ‘for speaking out for free speech’

Corporations and the First Amendment: Free Speech Rules

Controversy erupts over Betsy Ross flag at RSL soccer game

USC declines Constitution course, keeps ‘Tailgating 101’