The Blog

Liberty University’s president is blocking students on Twitter

As Pennsylvania budget stalemate persists, ‘dark money’ battle ensues

Disrespect for free speech could prove costly

Greek theater lowers curtain on political violence play as censorship row builds

Wisconsin Activists Push Student Free-Press Protections

Judge rules that cheerleading squad fighting for right to wave religious banners can proceed

Montana public schools investigate, pull student newspapers after ‘Free the Nipple’ article

‘God bless America’ banner removed

Indiana’s ‘tug of war’ over religious freedom

Campus newspapers gather to discuss free speech, journalism and censorship

John Kerry: Countries without free speech have nothing to brag about, or teach the world

5 Ridiculous Passages From The Wizards Of Political Correctness

Parents sue school system over controversial assignment on Islam

Elementary school will stop celebrating major holidays because they’re ‘not inclusive’

College students given five-step checklist on how to kiss without committing sexual assault

Richard Dawkins disinvited from conference for offending feminists

This Oregon Woman Was Just Fired From Her Job For Being Pro-Life

Preschool in Norway cancels traditional carnival for fear of encouraging ‘gender stereotypes’

Opinion: Teach kids that the First Amendment, not social media, protects free speech

Tampa School May Sue Over Game Day Prayer

Massachusetts state judge rules that Catholic school discriminated by not hiring gay man

‘Downton Abbey’ character defends limited government

Opinion: We’ve reached peak absurdity on college campuses

Feds: Remove ‘He’ and ‘She’ from Labor Regs to ‘Avoid the Gender Binary’

Opinion: State university was wrong to remove Bible from campus hotel

Duke grad student equates free speech to white supremacy

Opinion: The New Sexual World Order Is So Confusing

Opinion: Trump doesn’t support America’s founding values

Opinion: Planned Parenthood case shows that we indict whistleblowers instead of oppressors

I Criticized Black Lives Matter In My High School Newspaper And Got Death Threats