The Blog

Opinion: Europe is enabling a rape culture

Opinion: A First Amendment Do-Over

Supreme Court’s Big Labor Case Is About Free Speech, Not Unions

Will the Supreme Court Correct Government’s Encroachment on the First Amendment?

Opinion: The Only Cure For Political Correctness Is Truth

Opinion: How students can promote free speech, policy changes on campus this year

Man with vulgar sign sues Westminster over free speech

Germany cracks down on free speech when it comes to Muslim immigrants

Free speech, even when grossly offensive, has to be defended

Opinion: The corrosion of conformity on campus

Should schools instruct students to say ‘God Bless America’?

Editorial: Taxing political speech? Another bad campaign finance idea

When the Lies Are Mandatory — Can the First Amendment Survive the Sexual Revolution?

UC System Encouraging Students to Formally Report ‘Unwanted Jokes’

The French government’s assault on free speech in the wake of Charlie Hebdo

Germany considers charges against Facebook for hate speech

Media outlets that refused to print Muhammad cartoon have no trouble reproducing another controversial Charlie Hebdo cover

CNN hosts a town hall event with President Obama that’s invitation-only

How Lawmakers Stopped Part of Obama’s Assault on First Amendment

IG: State Department Gave ‘Inaccurate’ Response To Records Requests For Hillary Emails

Progressive groups demand resignation of DNC chairwoman for her abortion comments

Franklin Graham urges Christians to vote: ‘America is being stripped of its biblical heritage’

University removes professor from course for warning his students about ‘offensive’ ideas

Atheist group sues Morris County to stop churches from getting historic preservation grants

Louisiana city responds to ‘In God We Trust’ controversy by putting decals on even more vehicles

Opinion: Fighting attacks on free speech in 2016

A House bill protecting Muslims conflates real violence with free speech

How You Pronounce ‘Muslim’ Says A Lot About Your Politics

Ted Cruz to reporters: ‘You don’t get to give the answer, you just get to ask the question’

Opinion: Explaining the hypocritical PC culture attacks on Westernism