The Blog

Opinion: Schools’ PC censorship strangles the free mind

Not a Great Year for Free Speech

Opinion: Free speech doesn’t depend on the eye of the beholder

Washington Quietly Adopts New Transgender Bathroom, Locker Room Policies

Opinion: Pastor James McConnell trial is a victory for common sense and free speech

Obama’s Executive Action on Guns Changes Privacy Rules Between Doctor and Patient

Planned Parenthood wants to shut down a Christian pharmacy that won’t sell the morning-after pill

Member of British Parliament: Putting gender on driver’s licenses is ‘not relevant’

Speech, Safety and Seinfeld: College Policies on Free Speech

Ireland pastor on trial after calling Islam ‘satanic’

Mizzou Administrator: First Amendment Isn’t a ‘Free Pass to Go Round Saying Hateful Things’

Opinion: Media should stop attempting to teach Christians their own theology

Opinion: 2015 was the year political correctness turned against universities

Opinion: Twitter surrenders in the Islam vs. free speech battle

Poll: 8 in 10 Americans Support Religious Freedom for Christians

Garland contest winner explains why ‘Draw Muhammad’ cartoons are important

Opinion: Should America revisit the definition of ‘freedom’?

Survey: Americans prioritize Christianity when it comes to religious freedom

Supreme Court slated to examine religious-freedom challenge to Obamacare’s contraception mandate in 2016

10 biggest news stories in 2015 about free speech

Column: The ins and outs of campaign finance

Activist group counters city Nativity with ‘Bill of Rights Nativity’

Cato Institute: Free Speech Doesn’t Depend on the Eye of the Beholder

FIRE annual report says nearly half of public colleges restrict free speech on campus

Congress moves to protect free speech from bureaucratic assault

Opinion: 2015 was a year of campus hysteria

Christian bakers’ attorney says Sweet Cakes owners will continue their fight for religious liberty

British Education Secretary Defends Prioritizing Religion Over Atheism in Schools: ‘Religious Traditions of Great Britain Are, in the Main, Christian’

The 13 Most Ridiculously PC Moments on College Campuses in 2015

Opinion: We need to face the facts about genocide against Christians