The Blog

How three Clemson professors fought an affront to free speech

Self-proclaimed Catholic says nuns playing liaison to employees and abortion-insurance providers ‘minuscule burden’

Texas Lt. Governor: Religious liberty must be defended as strongly today ‘as it was in 1776’

WSJ: Catholicism’s affirmation of religious freedom ‘echoes’ First-Amendment right

Poll: 88 percent of Republicans say it’s important to defend Christians’ religious liberty

Reason: NYT joins the ‘ISIS is too scary for free speech’ movement

Watchdog: North Dakota’s fight for free speech in 2015

NYC slaps $250,000 fine on property owners, employers who ‘misgender’ transsexuals

Texas AG joins states filing amicus brief supporting Marine who posted Bible verse in workspace

Ted Cruz in new ad spotlights his defense of religious liberty

Top 10 religious liberty, free speech wins of 2015

Report: Restrictions on free speech at American universities ‘is a national scandal’

BREAKING: Christian bakers who refused to make gay ‘wedding’ cake say state labor bureau drained their bank accounts

OPINION: UMass Lowell student wrong to want to censor Republican presidential candidate

NRO: Do Princeton protesters bolster or hurt free speech?

NH newspaper: ‘Government should not arbitrate civility’

Yale professor says war on terror more unconstitutional than protesting First Amendment

Fight for free speech extending to the high-school classroom?

Retailers inserting ‘gag clauses’ into terms of service

Professors chime in on whether 2015 was a bad year for free speech

UNM student allegedly ostracized for critique of lesbian film files appeal

Human Rights Campaign targeting Christian colleges that apply for Title IX religious exemption

Judge dismisses free-speech lawsuit against University of New Mexico

George Will: Purdue’s STEM graduates understand need for free speech — here’s why

Liberals hate free speech — Case in point: Miss Puerto Rico

School rescinds decision banning ‘Hello Kitty’ Christmas tree

Jewish extremist leader says Christmas ‘has no place in the Holy Land’

Baby Jesus, “Merry Christmas” banner removed from Texas VA hospital

George Mason students ban “Dreaming of a White Christmas,” say it’s ‘insulting to people of color’

UK Christmas ad banned from movie theaters because it ‘constitutes religious advertising’