The Blog

MASCOT MADNESS: School spirit symbols on the chopping block nationwide

Study: Liberals Want Censorship More Than Moderates, Conservatives

High school tennis stars penalized for having ‘wrong’ faith, score religious exemption

NC’s Campus Free Speech Act Kicks In — How Are the Schools Doing?

Count on Trump to defend free speech from global censorship

‘Freedom of speech’ vs. ‘freedom from consequences’: Cabot Phillips weighs in (VIDEO)

Franklin Graham slams Taylor Swift’s Equality Act support as ‘crushing threat to religious liberty’

Facebook audit shows conservatives have the social media company’s attention

Christian authors blast Amazon for banning their books, selling pedophilia titles

VA Lifts Ban on Bibles in Move to Support Religious Freedom

Bernie Says He Has A Plan To ‘Save Journalism’, Watch Your Wallets And Free Speech!

Brent Bozell: Facebook’s conservative bias analysis desperately needs a do-over to be credible

Legal groups demand reinstatement of speech-code lawsuit against University of Texas

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Conservatives told to ‘pack up and head on out’ on public college campus

Federal Court: Christian Videographers Cannot Be Compelled to Work Same-Sex Wedding

Is Bitcoin Protected as Speech Under the 1st Amendment? Experts Answer

Free speech v free enterprise? Lawsuit over big tech censorship strikes at core of American values

A Federal Court Strikes a Powerful Blow for Free Speech and Religious Freedom

Social Media Silencing: ‘The Well Armed Woman’ Removed From Instagram

The Comedy Police Hold Campuses Hostage

Speech First launches contest to highlight best and worst speech trends on campus

Piers Morgan puts ‘snowflake culture’ on full blast, calls out ‘unbearable’ liberals (VIDEO)

Censorship! AOC-Aligned Climate Group Wants ‘Deniers’ Squashed in News Stories

Facebook, Twitter accuse China of running disinformation campaign against Hong Kong protesters

Twitter Shuts Down 200,000 Chinese Accounts for Spreading Disinformation About Hong Kong Protests

Labor Department wisely tries to protect faith-based groups

Student gov president faces calls for removal after asking people to respect others’ opinions

Republicans resurrect UW campus free speech bill

Hatch Act violation or just free speech?

Campus conservatives aren’t under siege — but they are lonely