The Blog

Democratic ‘dark money’ group in Arizona finally registers as a political committee

UK anti-radicalization leaflet warns that kids who distrust media, question government could be extremists

Feminist blog says the phrase ‘no can do’ is racist

Satire: What college students who want speech codes, bias incident reports should actually be demanding

Kean University racist tweets were a hoax

Opinion: Beware the slippery slope of censorship

Chapman University Chancellor Stresses Importance of Free Speech

Judge bans Indiana high school from portraying live Nativity scene

Cal Poly students have list of ‘diversity’ demands that includes a ‘bias incident’ reporting system

Report: Feds collecting ‘extremely personal’ info about private citizens in ‘National Security Letters’

Ted Cruz: ‘Out-of-control political correctness’ is affecting Obama’s leadership

Planned Parenthood turns Colorado Springs shooting into censorship tool

Bermuda Hotel Cancels Heritage Scholar’s Speeches on Same-Sex Marriage for Being ‘Anti-Diversity’

Opinion: West Virginia College Divests Its Remaining Conservatives

University ‘Fat Studies’ course includes material that calls dieting a ‘special enemy’

University president says school will not give up its ‘Rebels’ nickname

Yale faculty defend two administrators called to resign over controversial email

Opinion: How will ‘safe space’ snowflakes survive in the real world?

Liberals continue war on free speech in wake of Colorado Springs

Oklahoma Wesleyan President: ‘This is not a day care. This is a university.’

Opinion: GOP presidential candidates should answer question on Obama administration’s speech code guidance

Opinion: A millennial defends free speech

Letter: Free-speech zones diminish students’ First Amendment rights

India’s filmmakers struggle with censorship

Sexual orientation, gender identity laws threaten First Amendment rights

Dartmouth administrator: Protest is a ‘wonderful, beautiful thing’ while conservatives are ‘not very nice’

De Blasio supports censoring Calhoun’s name from Yale

New York censors controversial subway ads for ‘Man in the High Castle’ TV show

Brown University students have underground forum to discuss controversial issues

Opinion: Attacks on religious freedom are increasing