The Blog

Bill would protect small businesses based on religious freedom

Local Catholics march for religious freedom

Georgia sheriff declares his community ‘politically incorrect’

Opinion: When are safe spaces dangerous?

Opinion: President Obama gets it right on campus free speech and PC culture

Northern Illinois University removes Bibles from campus hotel after complaint

Ted Cruz volunteers to host live Nativity scene at Michigan Capitol

Opinion: ‘Trigger warnings,’ ‘safe spaces’ and other attacks on free speech

The challenge ISIS presents to American free speech

Opinion: How to Rescue Free Speech in American Academia

Free speech in danger on the college campus

Millennials, Democrats mostly like to favor censorship

UMN admin. rejects safe space argument, adopts 9/11 remembrance

Washington State University was banning students from ‘treating individuals differently’

Opinion: American Universities Begin to Implode

Columnist gets death threats for making a joke about ‘Star Wars’

Princeton Student Group: We Stand for Academic Freedom and Open Dialogue

Opinion: A plea for moderation and inclusivity at Princeton

ACLU sues school officials for banning a student’s pro-LGBT shirt

Ed. Secretary walks fine line on campus free speech

Pew study finds that 41 percent of millennials favor censorship of speech that might offend minority groups

High school cheerleader disciplined for tweeting about illegal immigration

Opinion: The Ferocious Religious Faith of the Campus Social-Justice Warrior

Princeton student coalition takes a stand against ‘safe spaces’

Kansas University students are campaigning to get a teacher fired for saying the ‘n-word’ in class

UK theaters ban ad showing people saying the Lord’s Prayer

Minnesota city’s Nativity scene moves to avoid Freedom from Religion lawsuit

George F. Will: Free speech includes talking about pets

Indiana courthouse to allow Freedom from Religion to display its own ‘Nativity’ scene

Free yoga class canceled for being ‘cultural appropriation’