The Blog

Feminist blog declares that calling food from other cultures ‘authentic’ is racist

UC Berkeley housing co-op establishes safe space guidelines

Confederate flag on laptop reported as ‘bias incident’ at Framingham State

Letter to the editor: China’s deplorable religious policies

Opinion: Donald Trump’s comments on Muslims are a threat to religious freedom

Poll: People worldwide believe free speech, a free press and online freedom are important

Freedom from Religion demands that Tennessee school board remove Christian flag

Belen volunteers make Christmas event bigger this year after atheist group sues over Nativity

Cruz rejects Trump’s support for Muslim database, cites ‘decades defending religious liberty’

In Australia, Catholic Bishops Face Court Action, Huge Fines Over Traditional Views on Marriage

UNC Chapel Hill students list 50 demands to end ‘white supremacist, patriarchal capitalism’

Comedy club owner says Hillary Clinton campaign tried to put him out of business

Smith College students refuse to let media attend protest unless they promise favorable coverage

Student worker loses job, gets harassed after writing opinion about Black Lives Matter on Facebook

Opinion: What Colleges Should Do About Campus Chaos

Italian journalist accused of leaking documents says Vatican City law infringes on free speech

Opinion: ‘Safe spaces’ threaten free speech

Hillary Clinton campaign reportedly tried to censor a comedy club for ‘Hillary vs. First Amendment’ routine

Students at Occidental College in California want school president removed

Ashland University student government passes resolution supporting free expression

Claremont Colleges create ‘safe spaces’ for students of color

New site says it tracks what content gets removed on social media

Survey: Americans are concerned about online free speech

Opinion: College students need to learn about tolerance and free speech

Opinion: You don’t have a right to censor controversial Daily Mail cartoon

Yale alumni apologize for emailing ‘culturally offensive’ image

Occidental College president ‘happy to resign’ over student demands

Three student leaders at Univ. of Kansas face impeachment for not ‘proclaiming’ Black Lives Matter

University of Vermont holds retreat for students to confront their ‘white privilege’

College op-ed wants to end the phrase ‘man cave’