The Blog

Religious-liberty expert says suspension of praying coach is repressive

U.S. congressman: Religious liberty is “under siege”

Houston voters reject proposed so-called “nondiscrimination” bathroom ordinance

Suspension lifted on Calif. student who posted controversial video on social media

ISIS can’t stand “free flow of information”

Limited-release movie documents assault on free speech

Christian daycare employees terminated for refusing to call little girl a boy

Video: Sen. Orrin Hatch: ‘Religious liberty has come under coordinated assault’

Texas AG: Police patrol cars with ‘In God We Trust’ are constitutionally protected

Thousands of residents protest after Freedom from Religion complains about their city’s Christmas decorations

The State of Religious Liberty

Will the Supreme Court Rebuke California’s Assault on the First Amendment?

Opinion: Freedom’s Framework

Susquehanna U nixes Crusader mascot to be ‘welcoming and inclusive’

Video: Yale, Cornell and Syracuse administrators destroy ‘oppressive’ Constitution

Reporter kicked out of event for asking about San Francisco woman who was killed by an illegal immigrant

High school football player ejected from game after praising God

Was the Florin high school student’s suspension a First Amendment issue?

Christian business that refused to print gay pride T-shirts could be the next big First Amendment case

Opinion: Printers have a First Amendment right to decline to print messages they disapprove of

Opinion: The Problem With Echo Chambers on Campus and Beyond

Conservative group’s poll finds that liberal college students tend to support censorship

NYT: Free speech is under threat on college campuses where ‘trigger warnings’ and ‘safe spaces’ abound

Elections panel moves to uncover political ‘dark money’

Pro-women project at college under fire for ‘trans-misogyny’

Report: College administrators are willing to shred the Constitution for being ‘oppressive’

Praying football coach’s attorney: Banning prayer is ‘explicit religious discrimination’

Opinion: Gender differences are important

‘SJW’ blog details six steps to dealing with a friend’s politically incorrect Halloween costume

Opinion: Political correctness has peaked