The Blog

Opinion: Why kids should be allowed to watch violent movies

Pope Francis visit shows new trust between White House, Vatican

Opinion: Religion is the ultimate ‘identity’

Report: DuPage campus police threaten to ‘lock up’ students petitioning for expanded free speech policy

Ben Carson campaign stands by Muslim remark in the name of ‘freedom of speech’

UCSB publishes ‘Homosexuality and Religion’ guide

Federal judge continues free speech lawsuit brought by NY teachers who weren’t allowed to discuss Common Core

Utah university settles free speech lawsuit with former students who wanted to post satirical portraits around campus

Regents want overhaul of UC’s proposed ‘intolerance’ principles

UNC-Chapel Hill offers ‘gender-inclusive’ language guide

Trinity College reverses co-ed mandate for fraternities, sororities

Tennessee lawmakers debut bill intended to ‘void’ gay marriage ruling

Virginia students protest school’s ban on all Confederate flag clothing

Federal appeals court rules that four Christian nonprofits are exempt from Obamacare’s contraception mandate

‘Kabul Taxi’ satirical Facebook page lampoons Afghanistan

Opinion: Reclaiming America’s core principles on Constitution Day

Editorial: It’s time to recommit to free speech on campus

Actor forced to apologize, promises to reduce social media presence after ‘offensive’ tweet

Free speech advocates protest University of California’s intolerance policy draft

University announces 9/11 memorial exhibit after controversy over course’s ‘one-sided portrayal’

New bill aims to protect First Amendment rights

Veterans memorial under attack because it includes a cross

10 books that were banned in 2014

Police chief steps down after writing Facebook post on Black Lives Matter

Univ. of California policy would give students ‘right’ to freedom from intolerance

Undercover video shows Planned Parenthood executives worried that ‘the headlines would be a disaster’

Comedian Sarah Silverman: You can’t base comedy on what won’t offend people … but comedians should also ‘change with the times’

16-year-old blogger in Singapore spent 53 days in prison on obscenity charges

Freedom from Religion nails Georgia school that allowed a mass baptism before a football game

US appeals court rules that ‘fair use’ matters in copyright case over dancing toddler home video