The Blog

Here’s The Real Reason Most Conservative Elites Ignore Concerns About Free Speech

‘The Next Big Religious Freedom Case Just Landed at SCOTUS’

Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard sues Google for ad censorship

HBO Gets to Argue Michael Jackson Estate Is Violating First Amendment

ACLU sues Fraser over sign code, claims First Amendment violation

Cruz: ‘Top Gun’ Censorship for China Proves ‘Hollywood is Afraid to Stand Up for Free Speech’

Missouri law says fake meat should be labeled. How is that a free speech issue?

Most Still Say Political Correctness Kills Free Speech

Colorado State: Don’t Use the Word ‘America’ Because It’s Not ‘Inclusive’

It’s Un-American to be Anti-Free Speech

Berkeley political correctness means we’d get ‘Person-hattan’

College backs down from proposed free speech policy after student pressure

Facebook’s new advertising policy empowers authoritarian regimes

Chick-fil-A inspires new religious liberty law in Texas

San Francisco to remove mural of George Washington. Reason? It is offensive.

Google Blacklists Free Speech Platform Gab’s Latest App

Problem: Williams College Kowtows to Students Saying ‘Free Speech Harms’

How Social Media Censorship Affects Marketing Companies

Youtuber Mark Dice on the censorship of conservatives on big tech platforms

MEDIA Angel Mom slams Dems protecting illegals, Twitter silences

Banned words: Berkeley drops gendered language from city codes

Governor Greg Abbott signs Chick-fil-A law to protect ‘religious liberty’


Senator Ted Cruz Hammers Google: You ‘Control Our Discourse’

Ted Cruz: Google has ‘a staggering amount of power’ to shape culture

Gendered language like ‘manhole’ will soon be banned from Berkeley’s city codes

Professors Who Created Debunked ‘Implicit Bias’ Measurement Still Defend It

The fight for free speech on campus is a two-front war

How Students Have Turned Their Backs on Civil Discourse

Amazon Bans Books About Same-Sex Attraction, But Not Nazi Propaganda