The Blog

Taylor Swift slammed as ‘racist’ for filming music video in Africa

Media excoriate Kentucky clerk without reporting the full story

College historians push to remove Jefferson Davis statue in Kentucky Capitol rotunda

Opinion: Progressivism sees First Amendment as means to an end

College teams may be violating First Amendment by banning players from social media

Protester arrested for holding message poster at Supreme Court Plaza

University of Toledo updates free speech policy after First Amendment violation

SC restaurant’s cancellation policy raises free speech issues

Las Vegas high school allows student to start pro-life club after lawsuit threat

Editorial: America should influence its allies to respect press freedom

WSU administrators were told banning ‘male,’ ‘female’ violated free speech rights

Carly Fiorina: ‘We must protect religious liberties with great passion’

Thousands gather at rally supporting traditional marriage in South Carolina

Film festival amplifying censored women coming to Washington

Opinion: America is heading toward an Orwellian future

South Dakota cuts America’s founding from high school history

Appeals court rules that Jesus statue on Montana mountain can stay

WSU is reworking controversial syllabi to protect students’ free speech rights

Salon comes under fire for politically incorrect tweet

Universities urge freshman students to use gender-neutral pronouns

Vermont Supreme Court: Father’s salty words to basketball coach fall under free speech

First Amendment expert addresses Wisconsin’s John Doe investigation

Scott Walker focuses on religious liberty in gay marriage debate

VIDEO: How Campus Speech Codes Are Killing Free Speech

FIRE report shows which colleges, universities limit campus free speech

North Dakota law protects students’ right to free speech

Comedian says college kids don’t know how to take a joke

School walks back on policy telling students to dial 911 for ‘bias incidents’

Student newspaper cries censorship at new principal’s prior review policy

Liberalism’s double standard on cultural influence