The Blog

Trump’s Social Media Summit Spotlights Anti-Conservative Bias by Tech Giants

Liberal media helped show purpose of conservative summit

Lawsuit claims Johnson City violated free speech and religious rights during TriPride

No Matter Where You Are, Religious Freedom Is Getting Worse

The tyranny of workplace censorship

Jonathan Butcher: Freedom of speech? Not allowed at politically correct liberal Williams College

Another Christian Viewpoint Banned

The US is speaking out on religious persecution, and the world is taking notice

The End of the Free Internet Is Near

GOP Sen. Hawley: Tech Giants Must Quit Censoring Conservatives If They Want To Keep “Special Deal” With Government

Trump pushes government action against ‘terrible bias’ at social media summit

Why Is Amazon Blocking Reviews Of The No. 1 Best-Selling ‘Justice On Trial?’

Amazon Just Banned My Dad’s Therapy Books, Caving to LGBT Activists

Religious freedom ‘critical to who we are’

Why Hawley’s Bill Is The Right Tool To Fight Big Tech’s Censorship Of Conservatives

The Inside Story of the Whistleblower Who Exposed Pinterest Bias

Live Action Plans Response to Social-Media Suppression of Pro-Lifers

Trump says today’s White House social media summit will focus on what he calls the ‘dishonesty, bias, discrimination and suppression’ practiced by companies like Facebook and Twitter

Decision to nix Pledge of Allegiance spurs ‘USA!’ chant at Minnesota city council meeting

Our Free Speech Crisis

Pledge of Allegiance under threat in Minnesota…and on college campuses

Pledge of Allegiance under threat in Minnesota…and on college campuses

Christmas, Bible controversies prompt VA policies for ‘inclusive’ religious liberty

France has turned into one of the worldwide threats to free speech

Federal court rules that Trump can’t block critics on Twitter

Trump adm. pushing religious freedom around globe

Kelly Shackelford: Supreme Court will no longer tolerate government hostility to religious beliefs

VA overhauls religious and spiritual symbol policies to protect religious liberty

Religious Liberty Around the World and Here at Home

Antifa tries to disrupt ‘Demand Free Speech’ event in DC, reports say