The Blog

Veteran supports both the American flag and free speech at flag-burning event

White House now allows visitors to take pictures, use social media on tour

Columbia students want trigger warnings to be class policy

1 in 5 Americans believe religious institutions should be forced to perform gay weddings

Professor fired for using language in the classroom

How the church can survive the gay marriage ruling

SCOTUS ruling on same-sex marriage could be used to bulldoze religious liberty

Ex-CEO of Twitter: ‘Regulation is a threat to free speech’

Department of Justice says police violated First Amendment rights during Ferguson riots

Declining gay weddings is a complex issue

Oklahoma Supreme Court rules that Ten Commandments monument on state grounds must be removed

Religious Americans await effects of gay marriage ruling

Gay marriage ruling is another example of Supreme Court overreach

NYT continues tradition of selective censorship

Probe aimed at Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was reportedly ‘worse’ than NSA methods

Conservative reporter ejected by officials at State Dept. media briefing

Conservative attorney: ‘I’m worried … that people of faith won’t stand up’

Fifth Circuit rejects three religious universities that challenged contraceptive mandate

SCOTUS 5-4 ruling on gay marriage is far from the last word

SCOTUS blocks Texas from enforcing abortion clinic restrictions

LA Times slams UC Berkeley for policing free speech

Google’s search algorithm appears to be increasingly biased

PC outrage is killing free speech

Would Scott Walker’s college reforms have a chilling effect on free speech?

University of Wisconsin bans ‘everybody can succeed’ as a racial microaggression

ACLU reverses stance on religious freedom law to oppose Christian practice

Conservative churches face a whole new world after gay marriage ruling

Texas AG says county clerks can refuse to issue same-sex marriage licenses on religious grounds

Amy Schumer: ‘I am not going to start joking about safe material’

Police sergeant fired for wearing Confederate flag shorts