The Blog

Scalia: SCOTUS decision on gay marriage ‘robs’ Americans of ‘the freedom to govern themselves’

SCOTUS ruling on Obamacare was an ‘interpretive jiggery-pokery’ decision

Stop trying to censor the Confederate flag from history

Chief justice says gay marriage decision ‘had nothing to do’ with the Constitution

Husband and wife may have to shut down farm venue for refusing to host same-sex weddings

Student claims her professor threatened a failing grade because she included religious beliefs in a presentation

Opinion: US should promote religious freedom worldwide

PBS series ‘Finding Your Roots’ suspended for censoring Ben Affleck’s slave-owning ancestors

Three talk show hosts in Colorado resign after allegedly being censored

Actress Rose McGowan dropped by Hollywood agent for a tweet

Progressivism is a denial of reality

School district allegedly censored, intimidated students

Campus survey includes trigger warning because it mentions human anatomy

Local stores are selling out of Confederate flag merchandise

Society is trending toward intolerant censorship

Texas license plate ruling sets dangerous precedent

Satire: Australia passes Internet censorship bill

Nine comic books that could be censored

Opinion: ‘Right or wrong, free speech must be guaranteed’

Opinion: ‘Sensitivity’ training is crushing free speech in UC system

Texas license plate ruling diminished free speech

Princeton professor warns that traditional marriage supporters will be treated as the ‘equivalent of racists’

Comedian Lewis Black tells PC culture to ‘lighten the f*** up’

Firefighter loses job over Facebook comment he says was taken out of context

Georgetown professor wants people to stop mentioning gender

Fighting progressivism’s double standards in the culture war

Due process and the campus rape debate

Bloomberg editor: White House was ‘not fully forthcoming’ about ObamaCare architect

Activists are trying to stir outrage against the taco emoji

Why the Arizona church ruling was an important win for free speech