The Blog

Court rules Baptist university can’t avoid contraception regulation based on religious beliefs

OPM fails to be transparent in wake of devastating privacy hack

Fox News thinks President Obama should have censored himself

University textbook claims organized Christianity was slavery’s ‘strongest bulwark’

Papal Encyclical’s views on abortion, gender censored by networks

Why Shakespeare should stay in English classes

Courts worldwide continue to censor Google

WaPo tabloid blasts Catholic faith with ad crying ‘discrimination’

NSA privacy invasion has progressive roots

Iowa wedding venue shut down after refusing to host same-sex marriage ceremonies

Why Facebook needs better transparency

Hillary Clinton emails related to Benghazi were reportedly kept from panel

Iowa principal speaks out for school choice

Bill would protect those who support traditional marriage

SCOTUS: Government can’t decide which speech is free

Will the Google Trends update hurt free speech?

Marco Rubio reminds college audience not to take free speech ‘for granted’

Northern Ireland pastor to be prosecuted for anti-Muslim sermon

Ted Cruz: ‘2016 will be the religious-liberty election’

How Nietzsche predicted PC culture

Liberal reaction to Jerry Seinfeld proves his point

University of Toledo caves, announces no more pregame prayer

Whoopi Goldberg questions if Christians can be president

Florida sheriff says he won’t stop preaching

Arizona church wins First Amendment battle in federal court

School district spends $100K per year on white privilege conference

‘Trigger warnings’ are a display of power, not sensitivity

No soda for you

Microaggression policing shows how liberals want a totalitarian state

Why strong leaders are needed to protect free speech and religious freedom