The Blog

PC culture makes for boring fashion

Why liberals love Title IX

Actor Sir Patrick Stewart supports Christian bakers in Northern Ireland

Universities are becoming hothouses for political correctness

‘Derp’ comes under PC fire

Opinion: Resistance to PC culture is building

Expert: District attorney is violating First Amendment with gag order

Activists push lawmakers to protect campus free speech

Christian police captain fined for refusing to attend a mosque

University shells out $20K to settle free speech lawsuit

LA Gov. Bobby Jindal issues executive order to protect religious freedom

Opinion: Liberal censorship on the rise

Senator calls for religious freedom protections as SCOTUS prepares gay marriage ruling

Historians, academics protest changes to AP history curriculum

Liberals spread satirical quotes from GOP candidates as fact

State Dept. has ‘unacceptable’ backlog of 16,000 FOIA requests

When liberal professors are afraid to speak freely

Free speech and the ‘Draw Muhammed’ debate

Lawmakers discuss limitations on campus free speech

Senate passes NSA surveillance bill

Holt vs. Hobbs: Can prisons regulate religious freedom?

District attorney issues department-wide gag order

Prohibition on banning the American flag at schools gains support

Opinion: Civil disobedience is needed to stop government intrusion

Does the Laura Kipnis saga signal the end of PC culture?

Journalists discuss Clinton campaign’s lack of transparency

Government agency investigating Christian bakery may have been influenced by bias

Campus moves statue of Jesuit priest that was declared ‘offensive’

Student sues college for allegedly violating First Amendment rights

Christina Hoff Sommers defends free speech on campus