The Blog

Local Fox station censors Picasso paintings on air

Richard Dawkins ‘despises’ those with an opposing view

Purdue University adopts ‘Chicago principles’ to protect all free speech

Fox News thinks police criticism is an exception to free speech

New Reddit guidelines aim to stop harassment, promote expression

Will progressives follow China’s lead on quashing religious freedom?

George Stephanopolous and his many conflicts of interest

State Dept. has until September to produce Clinton Foundation emails

In defense of campus free speech

Will ‘intolerant’ Christians be sent to prison?

Senator says government data surveillance is too poorly run to worry about

Why religious liberty is under fire

Bobby Jindal says liberal take on First Amendment is to confine religion to a church

Do students arguing for prom dresses have a First Amendment defense?

College of Idaho is working to ban Yik-Yak

Critics slam Kirsten Powers as ‘anti-gay’ for encouraging debate in new book

Watchdog group warns commissioners not to ban non-Christian prayer from meetings

When Christian free speech doesn’t count

Opinion: Stand up for free speech you don’t like

Student says Cal Poly put chilling effect on his vegan campaign

Atheist cleared to sue New Jersey for censoring vanity license plate

Franklin Graham warns about religious ‘persecution’ if gay marriage is legalized

Has America forgotten the Bill of Rights?

Liberals are hindering free speech at college

How illiberal feminism is killing discussion

Even SNL is too afraid to draw Mohammed

How buzzwords are killing free speech

Obama has made conservatives afraid to dissent

California woman sues company that allegedly fired her for deleting a tracking app

HuffPost writer ‘made up’ interview with traditional marriage advocate