The Blog

3 journalists in Maldives arrested and held without charge

Judge sides with school after firing teacher over racial Facebook post

Does Iowa’s funeral protest “buffer zone” law violate the First Amendment?

Pro-gay marriage journalist pens defense of Christian baker who refused to make “support gay marriage” cake

Student group told they aren’t allowed to “mock” U.S. President on campus

Lawmakers use Chipotle to illustrate religious freedom

IN Gov Mike Pence signs religious freedom bill into law

Press censorship on the rise in Latin America

New app scrubs e-books of swear words. Censorship or smart?

Turkey cracks down on free speech, political dissenters

The Left turns on the First Amendment

UK evangelist fined by court for “preaching” in public space

The ACLU’s big betrayal of civil liberties

Secrecy surrounds WI’s politically charged John Doe investigation against Scott Walker, conservative groups

Jewish man alleges religious discrimination against ING Capital

Navy bans chaplain from ministering to family of fallen soldier

MT Democrats using tricks to ram campaign finance bill through State House

Does protecting press freedom mean protecting whistleblowers?

Facebook image lands Burma business owner in jail

Federal lawyers say NFL’s ‘Redskins’ name is not free speech

Is your custom license plate your free speech, or the state’s?

“Last Bastion of Free Speech” invites notorious jihadist, sharia-law supporter to speak

Jeb Bush wades into heated religious liberty debate in GA

Religious liberty and Christmas trees

Corporation worries about First Amendment being “embraced by corporations”…

Theology teacher defends traditional marriage, promptly gets suspended

The chilling reality of China’s cyberwar on free speech

Does censoring “scary speech” violate free speech?

Free speech and license plates: should the Confederate flag be censored?

MN bill opens door to speech police