The Blog

WV campaign finance law restricts political speech for voters

Exercising free speech in Bangladesh is a mortal danger

Pro-Life group wins free speech case over signs

CO cyberbullying bill faces questions about free speech

Painting of Mother Teresa and Margaret Sanger in the center of censorship debate

Court will hear free speech case of Christian group turned away from protesting Arab festival

China censorship sweep deletes tens of thousands of internet accounts

Bakery owners speak out for religious freedom

Can you get arrested for using the wrong emojis? Yes

How campaign finance disclosures violate the First Amendment

Campus confronted with “free speech wall”

Where free speech and offensive speech meet…

Top 10 worst campus free speech offenders

NARAL President: Abortion is about ‘freedom’ and ‘equality’

Liberal billionaire George Soros behind push for anti-free speech ‘net neutrality’ regs

Hundreds rally for free speech in response to U.S. blogger’s murder in Bangladesh

Watchdog group releases anti-Christians bigotry map

20 Christians detained and beaten by police in India

‘Net neutrality’ is Obama’s gateway to censorship

Liberals experiencing buyer’s remorse on ‘net neutrality’

Young YouTube star stands up tall for free speech

Do free speech rights apply to those in prison?

What Abercrombie & Fitch has to do with religious liberty

Fmr. Archbishop: free speech is under “exceptional attack”

Sen. Al Franken tries to claim net neutrality will preserve free speech

Opinion: The free speech double standard

New lawsuit alleges U.S. gov’t violated First Amendment when it cancelled NFL team’s trademark

FL univ. celebrates “Free Speech Day”

Jordan has a fuzzy interpretation of free speech

Charlie Hebdo returns with first post-massacre issue