The Blog

FCC regulations could end era of open internet

Religious broadcasters worried new FCC regs could harm their First Amendment rights

Political science professor suspended for supporting free speech

Think tank files suit against campaign finance laws that restrict free speech

IN Senate passes religious freedom bill

SCOTUS to hear religious freedom case on 17 year old’s headscarf

MI city to allow atheist display near city hall “prayer station”

Gun shop owner wins free speech suit against San Diego police department

Prayer-protecting bill in NV draws ire

On college campuses, beware of defending free speech…

FCC is threatening free speech on the internet

SCOTUS rejects a free speech appeal from New Orleans tour guide

Florist who refused to serve gay couple will appeal fines

Monologue festival inspired by banned books

Free Speech groups give University of Alabama its worst rating

New Obama Admin restrictions would allow union to violate employee’s free speech rights

Christian group will get to sue for being blocked from protesting Muslim festival

A case for opening schools to worship

Opinion: Left-fascism to blame for rise in free speech restrictions on campus

Academy President goes all out for free speech at Oscars

Can free speech and blasphemy learn to live together?

Parody twitter account wins first amendment protection

KY Senate passes student free speech bill

SCOTUS doubles down: Corporations are people

GA lawmakers reintroduce controversial religious freedom bill

Time Magazine editor: Facebook should censor anti-vaxxers

Florists faces massive fines for refusing service to a gay couple

Activist aren’t lobbyists: A plea for free speech

CO cyberbullying bill may infringe on the first amendment

Video: Free speech under attack on campus