The Blog

University of Chicago is not the free speech haven it appears to be

Oxford University shuts down debate on abortion

Clemson professor wants criminal prosecution of social media posts

WI “sing-along” protesters win free speech appeal

Saudi free speech advocate facing another round of public flogging

Government regulations keep threatening freedom

In India, president calls for religious tolerance

A Tale of Two Cakes

The TSA has censored a pretty critical report

The Green Coffee Speech Crime

Ohio “Sticker Man” cleared…

Yes, the First Amendment applies to photographers, too

Is the First Amendment dead?

Opinion: limited free speech isn’t free speech

MI ACLU files lawsuit after political activists forced to vacate park

Congress must overturn DC’s assault on religious liberty

Mormon leaders seek to balance religious freedom with LGBT rights

Charlie Hebdo journalist ‘very happy’ Obama didn’t attend Paris unity march

Governments exploiting terrorism to crack down on free speech, political enemies

FEC receives thousands of comments on whether corporations have free speech protections

Free speech is dying a slow death by a thousand cuts

Facebooks censors images, weeks after Zuckerberg vowed free speech

Community college forced to allow anti-gay group distribute leaflets

Opinion: Attacks on Citizens United decision threaten free speech

Religious freedom bill takes on more heat

President prods India on religious freedom

One website is keeping press freedom alive in Egypt

China has taken internet censorship to a new level

Police officer denied First Amendment claims after he was demoted for “perceived” political tilt

SCOTUS case tests limits of campaign free speech