The Blog

Opinion: The Democratic assault on free speech

Inside the ivory tower: students at elite school argue for free speech limits

Opinion: Why free speech is fundamental

Pro-abortion lawyer: Don’t restrict pro-lifers right to free speech

After arrests, French citizens wonder about the state of free speech

Networks effectively censor pro-life march from the news

China wants to force authors to use their real names when publishing online

European museum self-censors image of Prophet Mohammed from website

Canada’s new security legislation may effect free speech

Does the US have its own set of unwritten ‘blasphemy’ laws?

Campaign Finance laws stifle free speech in CO

Robert Redford: attack on freedom of expression not limited to Paris

Citizens United ruling is all about free speech

More and more colleges forced to respect free speech

Is open carry considered political free speech?

Religious freedom reigns over beards and Obamacare

Atlanta fire chief fired for Christian views is fighting back in court

Baker under fire for refusing to put anti-gay message on cake

Social media helps Iranians defy censorship

Laws against ‘blasphemy’ are laws against free speech

First Amendment ends at insulting Mohammed….says journalism school dean

More red tape coming for the First Amendment

U.S. TV shows removed from Chinese streaming service

Liberal FEC Chair has some “dark money” problems of her own

Close friend of American Sniper Chris Kyle responds to Michael Moore

College students given choice between restrictive free speech policies

Anti-Citizens United protest at SCOTUS turns “bizarre”

Citizens United protestors display disconnect with actual law

Boston mayor signed agreement barring city employees from speaking negatively about the Olympics…

Obama bashes “dark money” (aka free speech) during SOTU