The Blog

Government is a main source of religious freedom violations

The March for Life video the media doesn’t want you to see

The IRS needs to stop regulating political speech

How the U.S. government keeps waging war on free speech

Religious liberty activists offer to take punishment for Saudi blogger convicted of ‘blasphemy’

You either have free speech, or you don’t

The pencil-waving you saw at the SOTU was in support of free speech

MORE censorship from Chinese officials

Citizens United reaches five-year anniversary

SCOTUS upholds religious rights for those behind bars

Religious freedom is paramount

Kremlin to enact law that bans films that don’t promote “national unity”

Twitter faces censorship abroad

The French have a double standard on free speech

Canadian court rules no free speech for pro-life students

Opinion: Pope Francis missed the boat on free speech

Chinese censorship: new cyberattack on Microsoft

Finally, DOJ takes steps toward protecting freedom of press

Prosecutors in Turkey seek 5 years in prison for journalist because of tweet

How South Koreans view issue of free speech

Opinion: The media is still afraid of free speech

Climate Change Alarmists Bully Media to Silence Skeptics

U.K.’s Cameron defends ‘right to cause offence’

Opinion: Blaming the victim – Charlie Hebdo & Free Speech

Army commanders order removal of “God and Country’ recruiting sign

Bible banned on Religious Freedom Day

California media censor republican candidates

SCOTUS to review First Amendment restrictions for judicial candidates

Can the First Amendment survive the internet?

5 reasons liberals won’t celebrate religious freedom day