The Blog

DE school district’s book policy challenged for censorship

SCOTUS hears arguments in case over religious freedom, First Amendment

The Constitution and pro football

Rally planned for ousted Atlanta fire chief

Christian baker compared to Nazis, slave owners, by CO “civil rights” leader

China on the move….shuts down 50 websites and social media accounts

Obama skips pro-free speech Paris march

Video: Biggest Threats to Free Speech

Brandeis Claims both Pro-Israel and Pro-Free Speech

A standing ovation for Free Speech at the Golden Globes

Free-speech hypocrisy of some world leaders marching in Paris

Mark Steyn: A lot of people will retreat even further into self-censorship

FEC Internet Rule an attack on Free speech

Alan Sears: We are at a ‘tipping point’ for religious freedom

Can Government Play Speech Favorites?

How the PC Police threaten free speech

Fifty-Year-Old Cross To be removed after pressure from atheist

The worst countries for persecution of Christians

The biggest threat to free speech in France is government

Montana GOP Lawmakers Introduce Bill Protecting Press Freedom

When First Amendment, School Discipline collide

Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Schools Guest on First Amendment

SCOTUS considers case that will ease political free speech laws

Charlie Hebdo Attack Makes Freedom of Speech Video Timely

NBC omits “God” from Pledge of Allegiance…again

SC AG cleared of campaign finance violations

How campaign finance laws erode freedom

Federal judge dismisses First Amendment lawsuit from teen told to recite Mexican pledge of allegiance in school

Photographers look to Congress for First Amendment rights

Atlanta fire chief says he was fired because of Christian faith