The Blog

New York Post: These two Democratic senators are waging a bigoted campaign against Catholics

Crux: Senators employ stalking horse to oppose Catholic judicial nominee

Former NY Times editor rips Trump coverage as biased

Trump Administration Urges Supreme Court to Protect Cross-Shaped War Memorial

Catholic Senior Living Center Bans Residents From Saying ‘Merry Christmas’

Big Problems with Big Tech

The most common forms of censorship the public doesn’t know about

Jordan B. Peterson’s free speech fight: Author plans to ditch Patreon as censorship battle rages


MeWe is the No. 1 trending social media site

Report: 9 in 10 colleges restrict free speech

Podcast: Religious Freedom in Hard Places

Are SC colleges restricting free speech? A new report says they are

Proposed N.Y. Law Would Require Gun License Applicants to Submit to Social Media Checks

25 Years of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act

Kevin Hart Steps Down as Oscar Host

How the Founders Protected the Natural Right of Religious Liberty

Kevin Hart Missed A Big Opportunity To Stare Down The Outrage Mob

Facebook Censors LifeNews Story About African Pro-Life Leader. It “Goes Against Our Community Standards”

UC Berkeley Settles Lawsuit over Conservative Speaker Censorship

Columbia Students Kick SNL Comedian Nimesh Patel Off Stage after ‘Rude’ Jokes

Stanford tells College Republicans they can’t use donor to pay $19,000 security fee for D’Souza event

Twitter Declares War on Biology

Top House Committee Reviewing Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s Testimony For False Statements

Twitter Banned Me For Literally No Reason, But In The End They’ll Lose

Censorship of Faithful Students at Our Colleges Must End

Cut federal funding from colleges that don’t require Western civ courses, academic group urges

The Left’s Accusation That The Right Is Fascist Is Simply Psychological Projection

The Left’s Accusation That The Right Is Fascist Is Simply Psychological Projection

Is Thanksgiving ‘racist’? College students react (VIDEO)