The Blog

CampusReform: Student hauled in for questioning over ‘Come and Take It’ flag

CampusReform: Study: Profs at top schools are ‘overwhelmingly Democratic’

The College Fix: George Washington U. student petition: Remove ‘offensive’ Colonial mascot

CampusReform: Vocal group reported to PC police for mariachi-themed flyer

CampusReform: Berkeley College Republicans survive threat to cut funding

National Review: Arizona passes goldwater-based campus free speech law

The Daily Signal: Trump initiative protects religious rights, faith groups’ equal access to federal dollars

Campus Reform: Student petition to eliminate ‘offensive’ Colonial mascot

CampusReform: Gonzaga warns against partying by ‘non-Mexican individuals’

Campus Reform: Ivies snub conservatives at commencement for third straight year

The Daily Signal: Conservative leaders: ‘Social media censorship’ has ‘reached a crisis level’

The Daily Signal: Free speech efforts on campus face uphill battle in California

The Daily Signal: Professor Jordan Peterson warns against the ‘Dangerous Narrative’ of victimization

The Daily Signal: Secretive commissions determine who violated anti-discrimination laws. Now Republicans in 1 state are fighting for reform.

The Daily Signal: Here’s how few Republicans are on college faculties

Forbes: Recent court decision makes it riskier for NFL teams to punish protesting players

Inside Higher ED: Psychology and free speech

Washington Examiner: Code yellow: Rutgers University at New Brunswick buries free speech in red tape

The College Fix: VIDEO: How long does a pro-traditional marriage sign last on Catholic campuses? About 5 minutes.

The College Fix: Syracuse fires professor for disagreeing with expulsion of fraternity members for their speech

Campus Reform: VIDEO: Leftist vandals rip down posters for Wintrich event

Washington Examiner: Law schools are right to prioritize religious freedom

The College Fix: University’s new social media policy forbids that ‘inflict emotional distress’

CampusReform: Prof foretells dire consequences from PC academic culture

The Daily Signal: Arizona passes law to protect free speech on campus

Newsmax: 52 percent of students oppose codified speech on campus

The College Fix: College bans conservative provocateur from campus – and even off-campus

The College Fix: Imagine if the left were treated this way on campus

The Daily Californian: UC Berkeley conservatives allowed to proceed with free speech lawsuit against campus

USA Today: ‘Facebook censored our free speech!’ Trump supporters Diamond and Silk tell Congress