The Blog

Miami Herald: Will the Supreme Court uphold my freedom to refuse to bake a wedding cake for same-sex couples?

CampusReform: Prof says individual rights fuel ‘capitalist violence’

Inside Higher ED: Professors back free speech

The College Fix: Student group disrupted law professor’s talk because dean ‘failed to provide a safe space’

The Daily Signal: California considers bill that would make traditional views on sexuality illegal

The College Fix: 11 times campus speakers were shouted down by leftist protesters this school year

Campus Reform: University posts trigger warning outside free speech zone

Campus Reform: Student arrested after dousing College Republicans with paint

CampusReform: Conservative student assaulted during ‘change my mind’ event

The Federalist: California continues to pioneer the war on gender while squashing free speech

The College Fix: Arizona on the verge of revoking First Amendment rights for college students

The College Fix: University of New Mexico puts trigger warning on pro-life event: ‘may be uncomfortable’

The College Fix: Censorship threats, financial challenges drive student journalists to #SaveStudentNewsrooms

Fox News: Anti-abortion group challenges U of I’s free speech

LifeSite: Free Speech: Use it or lose it

National Review: Free speech on campus: Can it be saved?

Forbes: By hosting dialogues on religion and tolerance, these students are using free speech the right way

National Review: California progressives launch (another) attack on free speech

The Stream: Use it or lose it

Campus Reform: Duke students storm stage during alumni weekend speech

Campus Reform: Michigan State student gov shoots down American flag proposal

Campus Reform: VIDEO: Antifa group crashes TPUSA conference

The College Fix: California College Republicans warn UC-Merced not to defund chapter over pro-ICE message

The College Fix: Scripps College denies requests for conservative Andrew Klavan to speak on campus

Campus Reform: Law school dean: Disrupting free speech event was free speech

Campus Reform: Vandal smashes glass display case to get at Republican flyer

Campus Reform: Students exclude ‘Zionist ideology’ from funding demand

The College Fix: University President tells student editor ‘let’s not run any articles’ about event criticizing

Campus Reform: College drops disciplinary charges against conservative student

National Review: Students at CUNY Law protested and heckled my lecture about free speech on campus