The Blog

Fox News: Ohio student suspended for staying in class during walkouts

The Daily Signal: With NewsGuard, 2 longtime journalists enlist in war on fake news

Alliance Defending Freedom: The bracket of shame

The Washington Times: Contradiction: Students favor ‘free speech’ and policies that restrict it such as safe spaces

The College Fix: Why I fight to defend traditional marriage and sexual purity at Georgetown in the face of hostility

Campus Reform: University admin forced out over affiliation with gun-maker

Campus Reform: Scholar traces current ‘campus intolerance’ to 60’s radicals

The Daily Signal: Podcast: What it’s really like to be a conservative on a college campus

The College Fix: Florida lets students sue colleges for stifling their speech under new law

The College Fix: College Republicans president resigns rather than apologize for free speech wall that triggered peers

Campus Reform: Michigan lawmakers fed up with inaction on campus free speech

Campus Reform: DePaul reverses decision to reject Steven Crowder

The Daily Signal: Florida bans ‘free speech zones’ at state colleges

The Hill: Facebook bans far-right British group retweeted by Trump

The College Fix: IUP student banished from class for challenging feminist professor

Campus Reform: Florida outlaws free speech zones in higher ed bill

Campus Reform: Stanford reverses decision to block CR logo featuring US flag

National Review: Georgia’s colleges are suppressing Christian speech

Washington Free Beacon: University in Upstate New York forces activists off public property by claiming eminent domain

The College Fix: Georgia Tech publishes 2-page ‘inclusivity checklist’ for campus events

The College Fix: Administrators use illegal ‘caste system’ to discriminate against conservative, faith-based groups: suit

Campus Reform: Liberals have 20:1 edge in student fee funding at UW-Madison

Campus Reform: Iowa Dems claim free speech bill would ‘legalize’ discrimination

Campus Reform: University restores status of Christian group following lawsuit

The Hill: The speech police go to law school – and fail to learn anything

Reason: University of Miami demands $7500 for security for free speech debate involving Charles Murray

Washington Examiner: Student newspaper editor criticized for printing ‘jarring’ photo of Charles Murray

The College Fix: Campus paper retracts debate on gender-neutral restrooms, trashes conservative writer

Bloomberg Law: Campus speech protest draws call to discipline law students

Washington Times: Bumble dating app bans gun photos in response to Parkland shooting