The Blog

Washington Examiner: Ted Cruz at CPAC: What young person wants to live with big government?

Washington Examiner: On campus free speech, Betsy DeVos insists ‘good ideas are always going to win

Washington Examiner: Purdue online writing lab bans use of the word ‘man’

The College Fix: Harvard Christian group put on probation after asking bisexual Bible leader to resign

The College Fix: Far-left campus activists shut down Florida bill that would protect speech from shutdowns

Washington Examiner: CPAC vents frustrations over ‘draconian’ campus free speech

Forbes: Another California intrusion on businesses’ free speech fails in court

The Wall Street Journal: Free speech gets expensive

FOX News: Supreme Court to hear anti-abortion and free speech case: A breakdown of NIFLA v. Becerra

Campus Reform: Iowa bill aims to protect belief-based student groups

Washington Examiner: Orrin Hatch’s campus free speech bill is sorely needed

The College Fix: Campus free speech bill could backfire by encouraging the heckler’s veto

Campus Reform: Christian center vandalized with ‘F— Trump’ graffiti

Washington Examiner: Code yellow: Ambiguous, contradictory speech codes at the University of New Hampshire

Campus Reform: Purdue writing guide: Words with ‘MAN’ ‘should be avoided’

Campus Reform: Former prof recounts her ‘escape’ from political correctness

The Daily Signal: How to protect free speech on campus? Override the Heckler’s Veto.

Washington Examiner: Activists smash sound equipment at ‘Google memo’ author’s university talk

The Washington Times: Zoning out on free speech

The Daily Caller: Lefty journalists: Free speech for me but not for thee

The Salt Lake Tribune: Utah senator scolded for his speech during debate on a free-speech bill

The Daily Signal: Facebook suspended me for sharing my religious beliefs about homosexuality

The Daily Signal: After Atheist group got prayers before sports canceled, students are fighting back

National Review: This is how religious liberty really dies

The Washington Free Beacon: California high school bans National Anthem from rallies due to ‘racially insensitive’ lyrics

Washington Examiner: Michael Barone: What’s oozing out of campuses is polluting society

Campus Reform: Tips from a Berkeley conservative on inviting speakers to campus

Campus Reform: VIDEO: Students sign petition to ban ‘offensive’ Valentine’s Day

Washington Examiner: Code yellow: St. Cloud State University has a speech problem

Campus Reform: Nebraska system adopts free-speech policy after campus incident