The Blog

The Daily Caller: George Washington University assaults free speech again! (last time was an award-winning fiasco)

Washington Examiner: Stanford student prevails in free speech battle against students offended by immigration posters

Washington Examiner: California protects everything except free speech

The Washington Times: Justin Trudeau corrects woman for using ‘mankind’: ‘Peoplekind’ is ‘more inclusive’

The Blaze: Forcing bakers to make gay wedding cakes violates free speech, California judge rules

The Washington Examiner: Berkeley spent almost $4 million to keep campus safe from people angry about opinions

The Washington Examiner: Harvard symposium aims to restore civil discourse on campus

The College Fix: Black students demand ‘racially insensitive rhetoric’ be a punishable offense

The College Fix: University of Minnesota exiles conservative speaker to distant venue. Is that unconstitutional?

The Washington Free Beacon: UC Berkeley spent $4 million on security for three events in one month

The College Fix: South Dakota campus free speech bill voted down in committee

The College Fix: Stanford students feel ‘unsafe and hurt,’ brought to tears over flyers defending ICE agents

Campus Reform: CRs attack new school policy for ‘combating free speech’

The College Fix: University of South Dakota banned screening of Muslim genital mutilation film because it was ‘controversial’

Washington Examiner: This student-founded peer advocacy group is educating students on their civil rights

The Washington Times: Schools with more than Play-doh

The College Fix: After University of Nebraska censors pro-capitalism club, lawmakers offer bills to protect free speech

The College Fix: Catholic university language guide suggests not using terms ‘husband/wife’

Washington Examiner: Here’s the conservative op-ed the UC Berkeley student paper refused to publish

National Review: What the New York Times gets wrong about conscience

Code Yellow: Ambiguous speech codes at Virginia Tech hold spontaneous speech hostage

Campus Reform: Conservative students work to defund biased school paper

The Blade: Free Speech and the NFL

The Fire: Auburn University earns FIRE’s highest rating for free speech

Campus Reform: Students ask Oklahoma State to punish ‘insensitive’ speech

The College Fix: Columbia will cover security costs for student events threatened by ‘significant disruption’

The College Fix: Judge forces University of Iowa to recognize Christian student group on same terms as Muslim group

First Liberty: Ninth Circuit: Coach Kennedy doesn’t have a prayer

Washington Examiner: UC Berkeley student paper refuses to publish conservative op-ed on DACA

The Daily Signal: How the Trump administration is taking serious action to protect life, conscience