The Blog City censored pro-life man’s signs, judge orders city to respect his free speech

Campus Reform: Under pressure, UVA agrees to recognize conservative group

Washington Examiner: More campaign finance regulation means less political free speech

Washington Examiner: Is the tide turning against campus suppression of free speech?

National Review: A student dares to stand up for free speech at an elite college

Campus Reform: Poll: Who are your top 5 higher ed heroes for 2017? London bans free speech, prohibits pro-life people from providing alternatives outside of abortion clinics

Campus Reform: University of Minnesota: Christmas guidelines ‘ill-advised’

The Daily Signal: Problematic Women: Taylor Swift isn’t allowed to be happy

Washington Examiner: No, the government can’t restrict employees’ free, non-governmental speech

Washington Examiner: 90 percent of universities still restrict some speech, study finds

The Daily Wire: Miller: Free Speech is the best antidote for racism and anti-semitism

Washington Free Beacon: Over 90% of America’s top colleges regulate campus free speech

Campus Reform: YAL wins ‘modern battle of Bunker Hill’ to secure free speech

The College Fix: Only three of 23 faculty running for task force on free speech are ‘overt defenders of free speech’: report

Business Insider: Twitter was once a bastion of free speech but now says it’s ‘no longer possible to stand up for all speech’

The Blaze: ‘White pride’ declaration slammed by students. But when school backs free speech, things get worse.

Washington Examiner: Legislation aimed at anti-free speech administrators filed in Florida House

Campus Reform: VIDEO: Republican student smeared as KKK ‘Grand Wizard’

Campus Reform: SURVEY: Free speech gradually gaining ground on campus

Campus Reform: Journalists handcuffed, barred from college campuses

The College Fix: Amid complaints, University of Tennessee deletes tweet supporting free speech

Campus Reform: NFL co-hosts ‘social justice’ training for college athletes

Campus Reform: ‘Bows’ and ‘wrapped gifts’ now offensive on campus

Campus Reform: ‘Internationalist’ student group calls for book ban at GW

OAN: College censors free speech of students by denying status for conservative group

Washington Examiner: UC Berkeley and free speech in 2017: A year in review

Washington Examiner: College censors free speech group for using the word ‘suck’

The Daily Signal: What the founders understood about religious freedom that we must recover

Campus Reform: Liberals dominate 96% of political events at Carleton