The Blog

The Daily Signal: Jack Phillips case shows misunderstanding of discrimination, warn legal experts

The New York Times: A baker’s First Amendment rights

Washington Examiner: Two-thirds of youth fearful about America’s future, Harvard poll finds

Daily Hampshire Gazette: Hampshire College cancels speech by gun rights advocate

Lone Conservative: Breaking: Second Amendment speech canceled at Hampshire College

Campus Reform: College cancels ‘controversial’ pro-gun event at last minute

Campus Reform: Prof tells class he won’t debate Shapiro, suggests MMA fight

Campus Reform: Universities strive for ‘Christmas’ – free campuses

The Daily Signal: Justice Kennedy: Colorado has ‘neither been tolerant nor respectful’ of Jack Phillips’ beliefs

The Washington Post: Emory University gets “green-light” free-speech rating from FIRE

The Daily Signal: 4 Highlights from Christian baker’s wedding cake case at Supreme Court

The Daily Signal: 15-year-old pro-life student punched in the face, sent to the hospital

Judicial Crisis Network: JCN’s Carrie Severino on SCOTUS’ Masterpiece Cakeshop oral arguments

SCOTUSblog: Argument analysis: Conservative majority leaning toward ruling for Colorado baker (UPDATED)

The Washington Post: The Supreme Court must protect a baker’s unpopular speech

The Stream: Supreme Court hears Masterpiece Cakeshop arguments

Campus Reform: UConn to start vetting speakers ‘that may present a risk’

The Daily Signal: Podcast: Why free speech is at stake in Christian baker case

Washington Examiner: Watch Red Alert’s Campus Free Speech panel discussion on the growing epidemic of speech suppression

The Daily Signal: Distinguished group of scholars defends a christian baker’s First Amendment Rights

National Review: George Will is wrong about Masterpiece Cakeshop

Judicial Crisis Network: Carrie Severino: Masterpiece case ‘at its core’ is about compelled speech

Roll Call: Lawmakers add to the mix in same-sex wedding cake case

The Daily Signal: We hear you: Jack Phillips’ fight at the Supreme Court ‘is a fight for all of us’

The Roanoke Times: Fisher: First world issues and free speech

The Denver Post: Colorado baker case at Supreme Court on Tuesday could ripple through multibillion-dollar wedding industry

FOX News: ‘Masterpiece Cakeshop’ is having its day before the US Supreme Court — Here’s what we know about the case

Bloomberg Politics: Gay-wedding clash at U.S. Supreme Court is no piece of cake

AXIOS: The SCOTUS wedding cake case is all about Anthony Kennedy If Christian baker loses at SCOTUS tomorrow, we all do