The Blog

CNN Politics: ‘It’s not about cakes’: Stakeholders line up on both sides of SCOTUS religious liberty case

USA Today: Here’s why I can’t custom-design cakes for same-sex weddings

The Heritage Foundation: Major Libertarian groups are backing this cake baker’s First Amendment rights

The Hill: Protecting free speech rights through tax reform

Campus Reform: ‘Victims of socialism’ event triggers Bernie-loving students

The Stream: Why the Masterpiece Cakeshop case matters to all Americans

FOX News: Supreme Court t;o hear anti-abortion and free speech case: A breakdown of NIFLA v. Becerra

Capital Research Center: Twitter vs. free speech?

The Daily Signal: This large group of public officials backs a Christian baker’s First Amendment rights

Campus Reform: University shuts down bias reporting system after complaint

The Daily Signal: After decling to make a wedding cake, he’s going to the Supreme Court. Here’s how that journey challenged his faith.

The Daily Signal: The big changes the Trumps are making at the White House to celebrate Christmas

Campus Reform: College spending $60k to turn computer lab into ‘safe space’

Townhall: Supporting LGBT rights and a religious cake baker at the same time

Recode: AT&T hinted at First Amendment issues in saying it’s not willing to sell CNN to acquire Time Warner

The Daily Signal: These groups support gay marriage while backing a cake baker’s First Amendment rights

The Washington Times: Supreme Court case on same-sex wedding cakes: Artistic expression vs. civil rights These gay rights supporting groups back cake baker’s free speech

Freedom of the Press Foundation: Protecting net neutrality is an important press freedom issue

Washington Examiner: Fight over religious liberty vs. LGBT rights expands to adoption

The Daily Signal: California tried to force pro-life centers to promote abortion. Now the Supreme Court is weighing in.

BreakPoint: Free speech for pregnancy centers?

Campus Reform: Former Berkeley CR prez sues Antifa activist for $100K

The Daily Signal: Little Sisters of the Poor are returning to court

The Daily Signal: We hear you: God, faith, prayer, veterans, Columbus, and originalist judges

Campus Reform: Students: Socialist classmate ‘spit on’ Thanksgiving display

Campus Reform: University of Alabama only hosted two conservatives last year

Berkeley News: Growing up without free speech like ‘prison for your mind’

The Guardian: Supreme Court cellphone case puts free speech – not just privacy – at risk

USA Today: Gay couple, devout baker take cake fight to high court