The Blog

The Daily Caller: University of Arkansas profs bash proposal that could fire profs for not being ‘cooperative’

Catholic News Agency: This baker’s Supreme Court case could set tone of religious liberty in US

The Economic Times: Meet California’s most powerful Sikh Republican who’s battling Google for stifling ‘free speech’

Washington Examiner: Religious freedom has won some key battles recently

The Fresno Bee: Fresno State professor to pay $17,000 after erasing students’ anti-abortion messages

Independent Journal Review: Survey shows majority believe colleges aren’t properly teaching ‘value of free speech’

Breitbart: WSJ op-ed: Strip legal privileges from platforms that don’t uphold free speech

Washington Examiner: Students find ‘free speech wall’ non-inclusive

Washington Examiner: After PR nightmare, University of California system to open Free Speech Center

National Review: Behold the free-speech hypocrisy of the corporate left

The Blaze: Conservatives get a free speech win, forcing this college to change its policy

The Mercury News: Free speech controversy spreads to Stanford

The College Fix: Reflecting on the ‘struggle for free speech on campus’

National Review: The politics of movie shills

Campus Reform: Columbia newspaper silent after College Republicans doxing

Cornell Chronicle: Constitutional scholar to address free speech on campus Nov. 20

The Washington Times: Believers from different faiths rally around Colorado cake-baker before Supreme Court case

Washington Examiner: Scholars advocate to tie research funding to free speech on campus

Battle over campus free speech continues at U.Md.

Independent Institute: Will free speech prevail on campus?

USA Today: Readers sound off on free speech: College campuses once embraced diverse opinions

The Washington Post: Do Americans support free speech on college campuses? Absolutely. Except sometimes.

CNN: Randazza: Even Trump has a right to free speech

TIME: Taylor Swift is getting called out by the ACLU. Here’s why

The College Fix: Student leader works to shut down Dennis Prager’s talk on ‘why socialism makes people selfish’

The Daily Signal: Christian student group called ‘hate group’ by LGBT students, forced to defend itself in hearing

Axios: Twitter tests free speech as it tries to police content

The Guardian: Free speech on campus: could US violence spread to British universities?

Campus Reform: Exclusive: School admits tenure policy ‘limiting’ to free speech

Breitbart: Survey: Majority of Americans say colleges aren’t teaching ‘the value of free speech’