The Blog

The Daily Signal: Jeff Sessions stands up for student in free speech lawsuit

LifeSite: Twitter censors pro-life ad saying abortion supporters favor ‘killing babies’

Campus Reform: Liberal speakers outnumber conservatives 3-to-1 at GWU

National Review: Jerry Brown vetoes a bill to curtail religious liberty, and the left reacts

The Heritage Foundation: Another college’s speech code at odds with First Amendment values

Washington Examiner: End the madness that is free speech ‘zones’

Washington Examiner: Justice Department backs California student who sued college for limiting free speech

The Blaze: Christian baker who wouldn’t make wedding cake for gay couple has no free speech defense, ACLU says

The Daily Wire: Useless ACLU: No free speech defense for Christian baker who refused to bake gay wedding cake Left’s latest insane and cruel school trend: Banning best friends

The Stream: Black church leaders defend baker in wedding case

The Washington Times: How the liberal leanings of Google, Facebook shape the political landscape Abortion activist vandalizes pro-life groups sign with hate-filled profanity

The Daily Signal: Facebook censors his conservative posts, retired accountant contends

FOX Business: PragerU sues YouTube in free-speech case

The Blaze: Students who squelch free speech perpetuate fascism they claim to oppose, university president says

Washington Examiner: Free speech: instead of fighting back, talk back with civil discourse

Campus Reform: Columbia students: Shouting down conservatives is ‘free speech’

The Wall Street Journal: PragerU sues YouTube in free-speech case

Conservative Review: True Colors: Student leader says 1A doesn’t apply to Ben Shapiro

The Stream: Dear Biloxi school district: To Kill a Mockingbird is a great book

The Wall Street Journal: Fear of violent protests raises cost of free speech on campus

Campus Reform: Prof: punishing protesters promotes ‘white supremacy’

Campus Reform: Another free speech ball stabbed in Fresno

National Review: Students crash College Republicans’ meeting, claim ‘fascists’ don’t have ‘right of free speech’

Washington Examiner: Will Washington pressure Silicon Valley to quell free speech

The Daily Signal: Problematic women: Moms fret Disney’s Moana costumes ‘culture appropriation’

The Times: Snowflake students must learn how to argue

The Daily Caller: Respect for free speech dwindles under the left’s assault

National Review: The cost of free speech