The Blog

The College Fix: In wake of failed free speech week at UC Berkeley, frustrations and accusations linger

The Washington Times: Giving an extended break to humanities departments

Campus Reform: UW regents propose substantial new free speech protections

Breitbart: Fired Google think tank scholar: Tech companies who hold monopolies on speech threaten democracy

The Daily Wire: WATCH: Shapiro testifies before California legislature, blasts them for trying to limit free speech

FOX News: Victory! Court rules cheerleaders can paint Bible verse banners

Campus Reform: Princeton paper dissolves conservative-leaning Editorial Board

Campus Reform: Evergreen State imposes punishments on 80 protesters

The Stream: Reporter tries to get Tucson Police Officer in trouble – for exercising his First Amendment right

Washington Examiner: Liberal guests to Bill Maher: Assault Nazis and scrap the First Amendment

Forbes: The myth that all ‘free speech’ is constitutionally protected

The Daily Wire: Evergreen State College sanctions 80 students, debuts ‘free speech guide’

Campus Reform: Law profs: NFL kneelers can be canned, but shouldn’t be

Campus Reform: Dershowitz threatens to sue Berkeley over speech cancellation

National Review: Does America still believe in the right to be wrong?

The Daily Signal: We hear you: It’s NFL’s right to disrespect the flag. It’s our right not to watch games.

The Daily Signal: Must-see moments: Restaurants stand up to NFL

End Times Prophecy News: Justice Neil Gorsuch speaks about free speech at Trump Hotel, protesters take shots ahead of new SCO

The Wall Street Journal: Private internet providers and free speech

The College Fix: VIDEO: student swipes peer’s MAGA hat, says ‘f*ck your freedom of speech, boy’

U.S. News: NFL protests are protected speech but ‘misguided’: U.S. House Speaker

AXIOS: Michael Bloomberg: Sessions has a point on free speech

The Washington Free Beacon: Alan Dershowitz threatens to sue UC Berkeley for blocking free speech

The Hill: Let Trump say what he wants – the president has a right to free speech

Campus Reform: American University an ‘unsafe space’ for controversial event

Campus Reform: Angry student steals MAGA hat, demands victim be punished

Campus Reform: University focused on safety amid calls to ‘shut down’ Shapiro

Campus Reform: Video: Student senators sit down during Pledge of Allegiance

National Review: The campus free-speech crisis deepens

FOX News: John Stossel: The incredible threat to free speech that no one is talking about