The Blog

Forbes: Students aren’t the only ones who don’t understand free speech

The Daily Signal: How far college students would go to stop a controversial speaker

Campus Reform: Berkeley prof lectures class on ‘free speech week’ boycott

National Review: Never stop making moral and religious arguments

Religion & Politics: Masterpiece Cakeshop: Meet the Christian legal group behind the high-profile court case

The New York Times: U.C. Berkeley students: What does free speech mean to you?

Los Angeles Times: Opinion: Democracy depends on free speech. Thankfully, UC Berkeley’s chancellor understands that.

AXIOS: Poll: college students don’t prioritize free speech

National Review: College students vs. free speech

The Washington Free Beacon: Student group protesting Cornell’s role in upholding free speech rights

Campus Reform: Dem lawmakers call on WSU to shut down college Republicans

Campus Reform: Profs rally for colleague who bullied conservative student

The Wall Street Journal: James Madison Weeps

National Review: To defeat campus craziness don’t just treat symptoms, cure the disease

National Review: Cider and Religious Freedom

The Blaze: New study shows why college students can’t handle free speech

National Review: Princeton’s Constitution Day lecture titled ‘F%*# Free Speech’

The Hill: UN must do more to protect journalists around the world

Washington Examiner: Ben Shapiro’s speech underwhelmed Berkeley

Campus Reform: How does your state measure up on student free speech?

Campus Reform: Middlebury cowers before ‘heckler’s veto’ with new policy

Campus Reform: Princeton holds ‘F%*# free speech’ event for Constitution Day

U.S. News: Campus free speech laws ignite the country

The Daily Caller: No, free speech is not threatened by the right

The Washington Times: Dairy Queen owner’s ‘politically incorrect’ sign for ‘God and country’ sparks corporate responses

Washington Examiner: Berkeley has gone berserk against free speech

The Hill: Congress must end the assault on freedom of speech protections

The Washington Times: Enrollments, budgets fall short at universities known for ‘social justice warfare’

National Review: The comforting thing about hearing speech you find offensive

Washington Examiner: At Berkeley, Ben Shapiro proved why we must protect free speech on campuses