The Blog

Washington Examiner: Berkeley has gone berserk against free speech

The Daily Signal: The mythical constitution

The Washington Free Beacon: Feds give Berkeley $97,999 to ‘honor the legacy of black panther party

The Washington Free Beacon: Huckabee Sanders stands by calling for ESPN anchor’s firing, says network should ‘stick to sports’

The Daily Signal: The art of tolerance in a time of tension and distrust

The Daily Signal: Farmers banned from farmers market over religious beliefs get their day in court

U.S. News: UC Berkeley boosts security amid fears of political violence

Breitbart: Kassam: The swamp just bounced Trump into a European-style assault on free speech

The Daily Californian: UC Berkeley faculty members call for boycott of classes during ‘free speech week’

INDYSTAR: Swarens: How a young conservative navigates liberal IU

The College Fix: UC-Berkeley profs urge campus boycott, shutdown during upcoming ‘Free speech week’

The Washington Times: 37 percent of Americans can’t name any of the rights guaranteed by First Amendment: Survey

Campus Reform: Freshmen say Clemson safe space is ‘divisive,’ ‘misguided’

Campus Reform: Milo to bring ’16-man Navy SEAL security detail’ to Berkeley

U.S. News: EU set to demand internet firms act faster to remove illegal content

The Federalist: Why the free speech fight is really about smearing the right as racists

Breitbart: UC Berkeley poll: 53% of California Democrats oppose free speech

The Dailywire: Exclusive: Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH): If colleges keep censoring free speech, ‘congress may have to get involved’

The College Fix: Fake flyers portray conservative student group as anti-Muslim; police investigating

The Daily Signal: Not a joke: Berkeley offers students ‘Counseling’ to cope with Shapiro speech

Townhall: Americans don’t know their First Amendment rights

Campus Reform: Mysterious man trashes American flags from 9/11 memorial

Campus Reform: Dozens of profs arrested while protesting DACA repeal at Harvard

The Daily Caller: Ohio University bans protests and political assemblies in campus buildings

The News-Gazette: Free speech on campus?

The Washington Times: Stifling free speech, one Pamela Geller-Robert Spencer- Michael Savage at a time

The Daily Caller: Faith File: Look who’s on the wrong side of Colorado Baker’s Case

The College Fix: Calif. lawmakers call on colleges to provide ‘broadest possible latitude’ for free speech

The Gateway Pundit: Marine booted from East Lansing Farmer’s Market for expressing his religious beliefs on Facebook

The Washington Times: The strange thing that happened to America